Найдено 2 результата

21 окт 2013, 00:08
Форум: Казахстан и Средняя Азия
Тема: Акмолинская область (Акмолинскиий уезд)-с.Рождественское
Ответы: 215
Просмотры: 53003

Re: Акмолинская область (Акмолинскиий уезд)-с.Рождественское


I have only just seen this post - my grandfather's brother Karl founded the village of Majorowka in 1909. I know a little bit about his family but I think David and I have corresponded in 2011.

30 авг 2011, 02:00
Форум: Grimm (Гримм) / Лесной Карамыш
Тема: Maior/Майор aus Grimm
Ответы: 46
Просмотры: 16461

Re: Maior/Майор из Гримм

Friends and Relatives Greetings from the United Kingdom. I am sorry I do not speak Russian but I hope if I include a translation from Google you will understand enough. The photograph of the two older people Jakob and Maria are my grandparents. Jakob was born in Rosenberg, Volga in 1872. Maria was b...

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