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Hummel aus Brockhausen

Добавлено: 11 апр 2018, 00:38
Oxana Delchmann
Здравствуйте, меня интересует семья моего прадеда:
Hummel Emanuil (18??-1914) жена Emilia Hummel ( в девичестве Langolf 1889 г.р.)
дети: Johannes Hummel 1913.
После смерти мужа Emilia вышла замуж в семью Hetting.
Буду рада любой информации.

Hummel aus Brockhausen

Добавлено: 09 ноя 2019, 22:50
Again, thank you.

If you come across any additional information of the Hummels of Brockhausen/Hummel I would be most grateful if you would let me know.

Hummel aus Brockhausen

Добавлено: 10 ноя 2019, 12:01
The very first settler of Brockhausen colony Johannes Hummel most likely died in 1800, as there is a title of the lost case in the book I. Pleve "Annotated inventory of the Saratov office of foreign settlers" which States the following:
856 / 2815 Дело о возвращении колонисту колонии Брокгаузен Гуммелю и его брату отцовского хозяйства. 26.06.1800 г.7л

translation from Russian

856 / 2815 the Case of the return of the colony colonist Brockhausen Hummel And his brother's father's farm. 26.06.1800 7 sheets.

Hummel aus Brockhausen

Добавлено: 10 ноя 2019, 12:30
Thank you again, very enlightning.

I guess that also (indirectly) confirms that there were only two children, the sons mentioned in the census two years earlier.

Hummel aus Brockhausen

Добавлено: 10 ноя 2019, 12:38
The original revision of 1857 you can find online on the site "Familysearch", there you need to register for free and you can watch and download everything for free.
Revision 1857 by Brockhausen / Hummel is on this microfilm shot by the marmons in the Samara Archive:

film № 2373695 – 1033 picture, tape # 007820659,
https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903 ... at=1460992
part 1 №8760266, picture № 4-1030, The sheets of the case 151 № 475-1497, continuation of the case 151
https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903 ... at=1460992

And here is a direct reference to the revision of 1857 by Brockhausen:

Brockhausen revision 1857. picture № 840-880, The sheets of the case № 1299-1341
https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903 ... at=1460992

All information on all microfilms is collected from us here on the forum.

Hummel aus Brockhausen

Добавлено: 10 ноя 2019, 13:01
viktor 2
maso писал(а): 10 ноя 2019, 12:30I guess that also (indirectly) confirms that there were only two children, the sons mentioned in the census two years earlier.
Um das zu bestätigen muss man die Daten von Revisionslisten 1834 bestellen. Gleichzeitig kann man dann auch herausfinden wessen Sohn Johann Christian *ca.1822 war.
Wessen Sohn Johann Melchior war kann ich sagen:
Hockerberg 1806, Oktober. Geboren: 16, getauft 21 Joh. Melch. Hummel
V.: Joh. Mich.
M.: Mar. Lethl.
P.: Joh. Melch. Hahn, Joh. Heinr. Fink Brockh., Fr. Ann. Gertr. Hasselbach, Fr. Lois? Mar. Hahn

Hummel aus Brockhausen

Добавлено: 10 ноя 2019, 18:46
Alexander-57 Thank you for putting many of the documents online at Family search. And for the direct link to the 1857 revision. A good opportunity for me to learn a bit of Russian.

Victor 2 Thank you for pointing this out and for givning me the information on Johann Melchior Hummel. Very interesting information.

Hummel aus Brockhausen

Добавлено: 10 ноя 2019, 18:52
maso писал(а): 10 ноя 2019, 18:46good opportunity for me to learn a bit of Russian
By the way I do not know English either and use only a translator :-D

Brockhausen 1857 Website englisch: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903 ... at=1460992

Hummel aus Brockhausen

Добавлено: 10 ноя 2019, 21:16
Thank you. Yes - the translation function saves me :-D

Hummel aus Brockhausen

Добавлено: 08 мар 2021, 09:16
Alexander-57 писал(а): 09 ноя 2019, 19:49Yes, most likely they are the grandchildren of Johannes Hummel, but to find out from which of the sons they are, we need the census of 1816 and 1834, and I unfortunately do not have these censuses and maybe our colleagues will help who they are.
Уважаемые форумчане, кто-то может помочь? :) :)

Hummel aus Brockhausen

Добавлено: 18 фев 2022, 08:44
Посмотрите пожалуйста, существовал ли в колонии Юлиус Гуммель, отец Елизаветы (13 июля 1896 гр) и Софии ? Кто его родители?

Hummel aus Brockhausen

Добавлено: 18 фев 2022, 10:11
rscout13 писал(а): 18 фев 2022, 08:44существовал ли в колонии Юлиус Гуммель, отец Елизаветы (13 июля 1896 гр)
29.06.1896 в 5 часов вечера
№34 Луиза, крещена 07.07.1896.
Родители: Юлиус Гуммель и Катарина София, урожд. Мут.

Юлиус Гуммель, 17.08.1861
Его родители: Christian Heinrich Hummel und Catharina Marg., geb. Langolf

Hummel aus Brockhausen

Добавлено: 04 июн 2024, 00:00
viktor 2 писал(а): … Gevatter waren Johann Michael Langgolf, Johann Peter Zinckhahn und Anna Elisabeth geb. Rembach, alle von dort.
Elisabeth Rembach aus Hummel/Brockhausen soll die zweite Ehefrau von David Spengler in Boaro gewesen sein. (VZ 1798)
Leider finde ich keine Aufzeichnungen bis auf solche Fetzen über die Familie Rembach und Elisabeths Leben :(

Könnte jemand helfen?