
Объявления о поиске по фамилиям, начинающимся с буквы "R".
Сообщения: 1
Зарегистрирован: 13 май 2024, 09:15


Сообщение Milapushchina »

Hello! I am a new user here, from Moscow Russia.
I am trying to find any information about the German familly RAMM.
Around 1870 from German town Lubeck (?) Fridrikh - Robert Ramm and his nephew Berngard Ramm arrived to Rostov -on-the-Done (south of Russia) and they started Flower business.
In around 1928 my grand-grand-grandmother Ekaterina Sevskay told to her daughter that she was getting married to a German man with surname Ramm in Rostov on the Done (who was working with flowers) and they planned to move to Germany. After they moved TO Germany the contacts were lost.

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